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Reflexology and Dementia at Revs Reflexology Footwear

Reflexology & Dementia

Watching a loved one suffer from Alzheimer's or Dementia can be a traumatic and emotionally draining thing. And although, unfortunately, there is no cure for either disease, there are ways to make life easier for sufferers and in turn easier for their families.
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Revs Reflexology Sandals With Cushion Comfort and Arch Support

More To Revs...

If you’ve been on our site or our social media channels before, you’ll know that we shout to the heavens (and rightly so) about the amazing benefits of not only Revs sandals and insoles, but also of reflexology itself. 
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Natural & Vegan Materials that make Revs Reflexology Shoes

What Makes Revs?

During the initial design and production stages of Revs, it was extremely important to us that our shoes were as kind to the environment as they were to our sole.
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Stress Awareness Month

A Moment Of Calm - #stressawarenessmonth

As part of #stressawarenessmonth, we thought we would share some of our hints and tips for combatting the effects of stress on both your mental health and your physical well-being.

How do I know I’m stressed?
This may seem like a silly question, but stress doesn’t always present itself the same way with everyone. Everyone is different and as a result, we all process things differently. This means that some things that cause stress and anxiety in one person may not in another. So it’s important to understand your own boundaries and stress triggers.

Some people show physical signs of stress, i.e bloating, rashes, hair loss, pale complexion and in severe cases nail loss. However, there are those who feel the effects of stress mentally, i.e anxiety, depression, feeling overwhelmed and difficulty concentrating. Have you experienced some of these symptoms over the past few weeks? Is there something in your life causing you stress? Maybe it’s time to reflect on the changes in your life and identify what you can do to alleviate these symptoms.

How do I beat stress?
Again, it’s hard to provide a “one-size-fits-all” stress busting method (as there is no such thing). However, there are ways you can help alleviate the symptoms and shift your mindset into a more positive space. In doing so, you allow yourself to breathe which regulates your heart and clears your mind. Here are some of our favourite tips for handling stress:


Focus On The Now This Stress Awareness Month


Be present. Stress and anxiety often cause your mind to focus on the what ifs. Bring your attention back to the now.

Take a look around and address 3 senses. Look at 3 things in your line of vision. Pin point 3 sounds and lastly touch 3 things.

All these things bring your focus onto the here and now, taking your attention away from the causes of mental stress or anxiety.

This helps to regulate your heartbeat which in turn calms the symptoms of anxiety and gives you a clearer view of the situation.

Breathe Through It This Stress Awareness Month


Breathing is one of the best ways to help calm the signs of stress.

Place your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your chest and take slow deliberate breaths. Inhale for 4 seconds, then exhale for 4 seconds.

Taking slow deep breaths clears your airwaves and your mind.

This is a proven mindfulness technique that helps clear your mind and relax.

Take a Break This Stress Awareness Month


No we don’t mean a KitKat. Although, if that’s what you would like, we won’t judge! You don’t have to be going at the speed of light all the time. It’s okay to stop what you’re doing and take a break.

Remove yourself from your stressor. Whether it’s studying, work or a particular situation. Go for a walk, what an episode or 2 of your favourite TV show or plan a getaway.

Getting out into the fresh air, watching something funny or taking a break from everyday life allows you to re-centre yourself and replenish your energy stores.

Exploring the outdoors is great for mental clarity and refocusing your brain. By enjoying something you have a love/passion for allows your brain to relax.

Connect With Others This Stress Awareness Month


A problem shared is a problem halved. This has never been truer. It’s time to open up.

Get on WhatsApp, Messenger, Text, carrier pigeon or messenger owl, whatever your preferred method of communication is, get in touch with your friends and family and have a good vent! Let it all out. Trust us, you’ll feel better.
Don’t feel like venting to your friends and family? Try journaling. Write out your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes expelling them helps to relieve the burden.

Sometimes sharing your issues with others can lead to solutions or perspectives you may not have considered before. This can help relieve stress and improve your mental wellness.

Indulge in TLC this Stress Awareness Month


Take care of yourself. Treat yourself to something that makes you feel better. Whether it’s a pamper session with a face mask and doing your nails, a massage, yoga or slipping on your favourite Revs and working in the garden, take some time out to indulge yourself.

Still feeling overwhelmed? Here are some links to the Scottish Association of Mental Health (SAMH) and Mind.org.uk where you can find a wider range of resources to help take care of your mental wellbeing.

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Natural Remedy Revs Reflexology Shoes

Reflexology - A Natural Remedy

While we live in a time with a plethora of medications and drugs to help heal or alleviate the symptoms of almost any disease or ailment, there was a time when natural remedies were the only form of healing available.
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Reflexology Footwear and Poor Circulation

Turn Up The Heat With Revs

Poor circulation can present itself in a number of ways, including slow healing wounds, numb hands or feet, brittle nails and, ofcourse, cold feet or hands. Reflexology in itself is great for helping to promote blood flow and in turn improve circulation. However, Revs are a great way to improve your circulation on a daily basis. 
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Revs Reflexology Shoes and Kidney Function

Reflexology & Kidney Function

The very basis of practising reflexology centers around influencing decongestion in areas/organs of the body that have a build up of toxins. However, your body has its own decongestive system that works to naturally flush the toxins from your body with no additional effort. That system is called the Kidney. 
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New Revs Leopard print Reflexology Flip Flops

New Revs Leopard Print Flip Flops

We have added a new flip flop to the Revs Reflexology fold. Our new Leopard Print Flip Flops give you the stylish element found with our Gigha Sandals and the reflexology benefits of our lite flip flops. 
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Getting Used To Your Revs

Getting Used To Your Revs

Alot of our first time customers come back to us with complaints of discomfort or issues with sensitivity in their sole within the first few days of wearing their Revs. This is a common issue which is easily fixed with knowledge and patience. 
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Fighting the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder with reflexology shoes and insoles

Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

A mood disorder subset in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year exhibit depressive symptoms at the same time each year, most commonly in winter.


Under normal circumstances, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 3 in every 100 people in the UK during the autumn and winter months. Add in the stressors 2020 has thrown our way such as lockdowns, restricted freedom, social isolation and distancing to name but a few, and it is predicted these numbers will rise this year. However, there are a number of ways to help alleviate some of the symptoms and get those endorphins flowing and reduce stress. 

Let’s Get Outside

During the coronavirus outbreaks across the globe, there have been a number of lockdowns implemented in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Australia and, of course, the UK. During these lockdowns, people are advised to stay in doors, shops are closed and working from home became the new normal. However, in most cases, outdoor exercise was not only allowed, but encouraged. 

Outdoor exercise and activities are a great way to alleviate stress, clear your mind and disconnect from everyday stressors. During a lockdown, this is no different. There are a number of walking path apps that allow you to map our routes to walk, or simply check out Google Maps and see where there are good parks in your area. You don’t need to jog, run or do anything physically exerting, the very act of being outside and disconnecting will help to calm your stress levels and clear your mind. 

Reflexology for the Sole

Desperate to get out for a walk but have issues with your feet such as Plantar Fasciitis, Flat Feet or Bunions that can cause pain and discomfort during the shortest walks? No worries, you can add our Reflexology insoles to your favourite shoes and not only will you be able to get out and enjoy some fresh air, but the natural rubber nodes on the sole are designed to put pressure on specific points of your foot to help detox and de-congest toxins from your glands, just like a reflexology massage. 

Benefits to adding a pair of Revs Reflexology insoles your wardrobe essentials include improved circulation, reduces stress, better and more evenly distributed balance and improved quality of sleep to name a few. You can find out more on the benefits in our Health & Benefits section.

You can find out more or order your own pair of Reflexology insoles here.


Not Just Insoles

Yes, a great way to alleviate the symptoms of SAD do include getting out and enjoying the benefits of fresh air and gentle exercise. But getting out and about can be difficult during the winter months thanks to the great British weather system. But there are ways to enjoy the benefits of a de-stressing and mood-boosting reflexology massive in the comfort and warmth of your home (this is especially good for those you may be self isolating). All Revs Reflexology Shoes provide a mini reflexology massage with every step, however, this time of year calls for the comfort and warmth of our Reflexology Slip-On Mules. With the orthotic massage sole designed using the science of reflexology and Biomechanics, our slippers not only help stimulate a reflexology massage, they are also super comfortable thanks to a cosy faux fur inner lining. Pair with a hot cuppa, some rich tea biscuits and a feel good movie and you’re to feel better for a while.

Find the perfect pair of slippers here


Not Cure But A Treatment

We understand that reflexology won’t beat the symptoms of SAD completely, like all mood disorders and mental health issues, it’s a combination of understanding your triggers, recognising that you’re not okay and/or working with mental health professionals that will be more likely to do the trick. However, getting out, exercising, indulging in self-care and taking time for yourself are all excellent ways to combat the everyday symptoms low mood and SAD can cause. 

If you feel you need more help and guidance in dealing with your low mood or mental health issues, there’s always someone will to listen and help. Find the right service for you on the NHS website: 


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Instant Stress Relief With Revs Reflexology Footwear

Instant Stress Relief With Revs Reflexology Footwear

Stress can trigger irritability, insomnia, anxiety and depression; it weakens the immune system, which in turn can lead to physical illness. In fact, stress is probably at the root of around three quarters of the illnesses we face today.
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A Quick History Lesson on Reflexology

A Quick History Lesson on Reflexology

While the true origins of Reflexology aren’t clear, there have been references to working with hands, feet, and ears in many different civilizations and cultures throughout history. 
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